Saturday, November 3, 2012

Daily Report

As this blog is more about how I'm feeling and how I cope with that, I figured I'd do a little template/format thing so I can get everything I need to in a post before I go on about my day and reaction to it. Part of the purpose of this is to keep a daily record for both myself and my doctor, so I should probably make sure everything I'm supposed to track is included. (Also, should this blog attract regular readers or something, it will also serve as an accountability tool, allowing people to tsk-tsk at me when I'm bad and miss something, deliberately or accidentally.)

So here we go with the template:

Today is Saturday.

Ampyra X
AMVits  X
PM Vits X
Bed Vits - To Be Taken (before bed)
Shot X
Exercise - Saturday. Off.
Water (oz) - So far, about 20, and two cups of tea, one black, one herbal.

Diet - Today I had lunch out. I usually go out on Saturdays and have lunch with some friends. It's a little place with a very health-conscious menu, and they bake their own bread. Today their special was a hummus plate, with freshly-made hummus, artisan bread, kalamata olives, carmelized onions, cucumber, tomato, olive oil and feta cheese. I ordered the small version (you may recall from a previous post that I have very little appetite) and wasn't able to finish it. I also ordered the black tea and a small apple struesel about the size of the palm of my hand.

The above was technically my breakfast even though it was about 2PM. I'm trying to be better about eating something in the actual morning when I get up, but most mornings a cup of tea is about all I can manage.

I've also had a plain roll just now (about 10PM), as my stomach is upset and I don't want to eat anything else to cause gastrointestinal distress. I really don't think my hippy lunch agreed with me. I'm not a vegetarian/vegan, but I have no problem not eating meat. They don't serve any at this place, and I'm okay with that. Their cookies/pastries totally make up for not having bacon or chicken. Mostly.

Activity - Not much. I'm really behind on my housework and other obligations. It was a hard week this week (before this blogging thing), so I'm still playing catchup. As I said, I went out to my weekly gathering today. I have a therapist that comes every two weeks to massage my neck, shoulders, hands and arms (this helps with mobility, circulation and dexterity and is more physical therapy than "massage" like you might think), and they were here today. I did dishes last night, and the few used today. Pretty much it!

Nap - Fragmented. As I had plans for the middle of the day when I'm normally napping, I had to juggle things a bit. I lay down from about 11:30AM to about 1:30PM, then again from about 6:30PM to 9:00PM. I hate late naps, because they mess me up bigtime, but I really needed the rest to function the rest of the evening, so it was unavoidable. Good thing, too, because I woke up nauseated with my stomach hurting. Things are easing off now with medication, so I'm okay. I'll go to bed for the night in a few hours (my usual bedtime is very late, and I get up early). I usually run on a 6/4 hour cycle (down six, up four, sometimes more or less depending on my energy level/the day), so keeping odd hours is normal for me.

Day Rating - I'm going to call today a 3. Not especially difficult, but it's had its moments.

Overall Wellbeing - Mostly okay. Headache today, nausea, GI upset (lunch, I'm sure - too much peace and love in my hummus. I mean garlic.). Hands okay, limbs okay. Slight vertigo once or twice but that's normal for me.

Today I went out. See above. Felt pretty much okay today. No emotional issues (which are a big deal sometimes - anxiety and irrationality chief among them) to report. No overwhelming fatigue. I look forward to my Saturday outings, and plan my day accordingly. I had a good time out today, despite the later stomach upset. No other illness or injury or exciting event to report. I solved a creative problem today that's been nagging at me for months, and it was a simple fix. All I had to do was ask someone who had experience with the same issue and that was that. So that made me happy. Now I need to get to other things, so I'll sign off now.

Ta-da! I blogged! And it didn't take four hours!

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